

Dave Johnson

Dave Johnson


Dave (DJ) Johnson lives in Traverse City, Michigan, and is the Stage Manager and Technician for Grand Funk Railroad. He has been with GFR since 1996, starting with Grand Funk’s “Reunion Tour”. DJ also tours as Don Brewer’s drum tech with Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band. When not out with GFR or Seger, he works as a fill-in tech for Donny Osmond, Marie Osmond, Cheap Trick, and Jon Secada.

On his time off, Dave plays keyboards and sings as a solo act in local restaurants in the Traverse City area, and then lets loose with snowmobiling and motorcycling.


Don Baker

Don Baker


Don "Saint-Thomas" Baker is a 15-year veteran Road Technician at Jonas Productions Inc., and has over 30 years of road experience as a traveling musician. He’s been touring with Grand Funk since 2003 working as truck driver, backline tech, and guitar tech.

Don is a life-long lover of all things music with over a million miles of travel to write songs about. In his leisure time, Don loves making music and enjoying home life with his family in Indianapolis, Indiana.